Friday 19 February 2016

Useful Things You Can Do Using Google Now

When it comes to search on the Mighty World Wide Web , Google Now is the First Thought That Hits Up Your Mind First . It has been brought into Implementation from android 4.1 on Our Love Kids Lol...Our Smartphones ..But Today Google Now Has Tough Competitors In the Market ,Siri From Apple and Cortana From Microsoft Does the same type of Work as Google Now ..But But ...The point Rises On the Quality,User Interface,the Boundaries, Limitations And Beating all this Google Now has Won the confidence from Millions Of Users From All Over The World  ....Today Google now is used For Performing Various Tasks that too.. totally Hands Free...There are Many Things That Google Now can Be Used to Do ...Many People Doesn't know these ...So I Thought to Share out Few Things that Google Now can Be Used Effectively to make life Easier ....Lets get Started......Cool...

Before trying out the below commands you need to train your voice to your Google Now . you can do that by going to Google now>settings>voice search>Ok Google detection> from any screen..and remember before speaking out any commands firstly you need to activate voice search. you can do this by saying the work OK GOOGLE...  

Firstly Let me tell you How to Control Your android device using It
  • Open  [ Android ]
  • Take a Photo
  • Record a video
  • open different Applications on your device 
             examples :-
                             To Open Gallery app say  -   open gallery
                             To Open Messaging app say  - open Messaging
                             To Open  Google Chrome Browser say  -  open Google Chrome
  • Turn ON/OFF Wifi,Bluetooth,flashlight etc
For Getting General Information 
  • How Old is [ john cena ]
  • What's The Time in  [ Hyderabad ]
  • Will It Rain Tommorow
  • Show me out The pictures of  [ Taj mahal ]
  • Search for [ Blogging Tips ]
  • What's [ 600 miles ] in [ kilo meters ]
  • what is [10 +10 ]
  • search for [ Google Plus ] in Playstore.
  • Set An Alaram for  [ 9:00 in the morning tommorow].
  • Set  A TImer for [ 10 minutes ]
  • Find out [ john's phone number ]
  • What is my schedule for tommmorow
  • Show me my Bills   etc
  • Show me my last messages
  • Text to [ john ]  that  [ i will meet you in the mornig ]
  •  call [ john ] on loud speaker 
  •   send a Hangouts Message to [ john ] that [ Tomorrow is our next   Meeting ]
  •  Send  An Email to .........[ the one whom you want to mail ]
  •  Send A Whatsapp Message to  [ john ]  that   [ Hai ]
  •  Send  A Message Through Hike 
  •  Call   [John]  Through Viber
  •  Sending Messages work With all the Communication Apps 
Navigation and Travelling
  • where is the nearest Restaurent
  • Navigate to  [  Hyderabad  ]
  • Where is   [  Taj Mahal  ]
  • Show Me My Flight Information
  • What are some Attractions Aroud me ?
  • Where's My Hotel ?
  • What do we say [ good Morning ]  in  [ spanish ]
  • What is   [ 100 riyals ] in  [ Indian rupees ]
  • Call  [ Museum ] 
  • Show me Banks Around me 
  • Hows the traffic on my way to Home ?
  • Play [ any song from your device ]
  • Next Song / Pause song
  • What's This Song?
  • Listen to Tv
  • What's The Score of [ Barcelona ]
  • much more stuff...
Fun stuff from Google Now
  • Flip a Coin
  • Do a Barrel roll 
  • Where am I
  • Why do we get tears when we cut oninons
  • Beam Up scooty
  • Tell me a joke
  • Who's on First?
  • Up,UP,Down,Down,Left,Right,Left,Right 
         Follow my blog and my youtube channel for More Cool Stuff


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